Nanyang Siang Pau was launched in 1923. It is the oldest Chinese daily in Malaysia and also one of the largest Chinese daily which ranks fourth in terms of circulation and readership in Peninsular Malaysia. A highly-regarded opinion maker Nanyang Siang Pau is the leading Chinese-language financial and business publication in Malaysia. The Main Paper - National World Sports and Business news. KL / Selangor - community-based stories & happenings in respective region. Stocks and currencies - business & finance news. Nanyang Sub edition - education classifieds new product launches and the most current entertainment news of foreign and local scene.
Age group
30-34,35-39,40-44,45-49,50 and above
Income levels
RM 3k - 8k,RM 8k - 15k,RM 15k - 30k
Customers reach
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